Commerce WorkFirst Programs

Career Path Services Commerce WorkFirst Team works closely with a number of Washington State agencies to provide services to individuals with employment challenges.

What Are The Commerce WorkFirst Programs?

The Commerce WorkFirst programs are transitional job opportunities funded by the Department of Commerce in partnership with Washington’s WorkFirst Program.   Our programs assist participants receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) obtain permanent employment by gaining job skills and experience through transitional, on-the-job training as well as individualized job skills training and job placement services.

The Commerce WorkFirst programs also provide valuable employer services!  To learn more and become a “partner” click on the links below!

  • Need help with, screening, hiring and training new employees?  Click here  to learn about our Career Jump for Business program.
  • Need help finding volunteers?  Click here for information on becoming a host site.
  • Learn about employer tax credits!
  • Get involved!  Learn how to become a mentor or present at our next Career or Job Club

How Do The Commerce WorkFirst Programs Work?

how it worksParticipants are placed on a part-time, temporary, work-based assignment to update work history, gain new or additional skills, and develop professional references.  While working, the participant will engage in individualized job readiness and job search activities as well as other work supports designed to assist the participant in obtaining permanent employment.  

In our programs you will receive skills/interests assessments, career counseling, assistance with goal setting and action planning, coaching/mentoring, access to job skills trainings, individualized job placement services, work experience and work supports such as transportation assistance or help with work clothing.

Eligibility requirements do apply, so please contact us today to find our more!

Latest Updates and Links for Current Participants and Host Sites:

General Resources

Host Site Supervisor Tools

TimeClock Plus Training Tools

Tell Us How Your Program Went

  • The Washington State Department of Commerce would like to know how the Commerce WorkFirst Programs are serving the program participants' needs. Upon completion of your program please be sure to log onto the appropriate survey link to give your feedback on the program, your Worksite and working with your Career Path Services Employment Associate:
  • Participant Survey
  • Supervisor Survey

Other Links:


Career Planning:

Financial and Money Management

Free Online Assessment and Learning:





Contact Us


Click on the links above to learn more about locations, services and eligibility requirements for a specific Division or program  or contact us through our online contact form.  You can also contact the VIce President of Human Services, Kelli Eller at 509-863-2268 (or toll-free at 1-888-326-7520) or

You can also find us on find us





This project was supported by Grant No.1302WATANF awarded by US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).  Points of view in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the HHS.  Grant funds are administered by the WorkFirst Program, Washington State Department of Commerce.

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