What have our teams in the commerce division been up to lately? Read on and find out:
Show Me The Money!
Here are just a handful of awesome jobs obtained by our COM customers last month:
56% of customers exiting our services in September, exited with employment
The Power of Encouragement
This week, we received an email from an employer who recently interviewed one of our former program participants. Here is what the employer shared:
“Yesterday, we had the pleasure of interviewing one of your former clients…and she credits you with giving her the direction and passion she has for her career! She stated that a while ago you placed her at Crosswalk, she called and wanted to quit, however she stated that you talked her into staying because you saw something in her. Since then they created a special position for her and she found her passion for helping others. She is now attending Whitworth University for her Social Work Degree and is eager to help people the way you helped her. It was really awesome to hear her speak of how much you empowered, encouraged and inspired her. You are why she has decided to continue her education, and why she wants to work for Career Path! She also noted she hasn’t missed a day of school at all and is maintaining a high GPA. You rock, way to go!”
New Program Specialist
Marissa Turner has been with Career Path Services for the past year and a half, but recently accepted the Program Specialist position and will now be joining us at the Trent office. Marissa grew up in North Idaho and attended Seattle University. She enjoys spending time with family and friends, traveling , and using her creative talents. She is passionate about serving others and is an active volunteer with the Wishing Star Foundation and serves on the Board of Directors for Distinguished Young Women of Idaho. We are so happy to have someone of Marissa’s expertise and passion joining our work family!
Resources to Initiate Successful Employment (RISE)
Career Path Services has been awarded a 3 year contract to provide RISE employment services. This is a 4-County Pilot project conducted by the State of Washington to study the progress and employment outcomes for BFET eligible participants of targeted groups (Veterans, Homeless, LEP, Long-term unemployed, and owing child support in arrears). The program will provide the core BFET services along with Comprehensive Case Management, Life Skills Courses, and Work Based Learning. We are excited to be a part of this project. We will be welcoming a new staff member, Jennifer Morris, who will be located at the Trent CSO. Jennifer will begin on October 19th and client services are expected to begin December 1st. We will share more about the program as additional information becomes available.
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