Welcome to one of our newest employees! Ruben A. Vigil was recently hired as a Technology and Resource Navigator with Washington State Service Corps/AmeriCorps with the Employment Security Department. His professional career consists of 35 years of employment with ESD in various capacities: a Career Coach with the WorkFirst Program, Out of School Youth Job Developer, Migrant Seasonal Farm Worker Outreach coordinator, Unemployment Insurance Claims Adjudicator, and providing upfront employment and unemployment services to the workforce.
He migrated to Washington State from Texas as a farm worker and settled in Prosser, WA, where he graduated from high school and attended the University of Washington with a degree in Education. He also works part-time with Mid-Columbia Libraries Systems as a Customer Service Assistant.
He is married with two daughters who attend the local community college. He is an avid Seattle Mariners and Seahawks fan, and you may find him making weekend trips to Safeco Field with his wife.
Ruben’s passion for working with diverse customers in a public setting will be a great contribution to Career Path Services alongside his years of experience in employment services.
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