The Future of Healthcare
The Career Path Services CEO, George Iranon, speaks at the Greater Spokane Incorporated meeting on the future of healthcare in this Youtube video:
The Career Path Services CEO, George Iranon, speaks at the Greater Spokane Incorporated meeting on the future of healthcare in this Youtube video:
Congratulations to Sergey Dunayev, our December Ring the Bell winner. In just six short months with the Central King County team Sergey has demonstrated great leadership, innovation, and teamwork. He has been essential in developing a strong relationship with our … Continue reading
Great job Sheila! This letter came from one of our Worksource clients and is a highlight of the work we do every day: Dear Ma’am, I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate WorkSource and their commitment to … Continue reading
The winter season is here, and that means staying bundled up and often time indoors. It also means the return of an invisible foe: the flu. While the flu can make you sick at any time during the year, you … Continue reading
Are you a veteran of the armed forces and looking for a job? The US Department of Labor has teamed up with the National Center for O*NET Development to bring you! My Next Move for Veterans is a new … Continue reading
Congratulations! The Spokane WorkKeys project has officially been named a Best Practice in Workforce & Economic Development by Governor Gregoire. Please note that the press release (link below) went out today and your agency/company is listed as a partner in … Continue reading
A testimonial from a satisfied client or employer is an award all by itself. At Career Path Services, we make every effort to recognize exceptional service provided by our employees. Take for example a letter we just recently received in … Continue reading
A tip of the rhino’s horn to Cathy Eylar, our November Ring the Bell Award Winner. Cathy consistently brings innovation, hard work, and spirited leadership to the Spokane DD/DVR Team- Team RHINO. She has been instrumental in the creation and … Continue reading